Working within the neurodiversity paradigm, I offer speech and language therapy and sensory integration and processing assessments to older children, teenagers and adults, including neurodivergent couples and people in the workplace.
In collaboration with the individuals and informed by the outcomes they wish to achieve through assessment, we'll work to develop a profile of strengths and support needs.
The goal is to empower individuals with tailored insights that can guide personal growth, educational or workplace adjustments, and more effective, meaningful interactions within their social and professional networks.​
A lot of people don't fully understand what a Speech and Language Therapists role is (don't worry, lots of us debate the choice of job role title for the profession when discussing the wide and varying work we can undertake across the lifespan) and, likewise, most often people see sensory integration (SI) and processing as an Occupational Therapists role (which it is, however both SLTs and Physiotherapists can do the same Postgraduate training as OT's, you can find out more about the SLT role and SI, here). So, if you're wondering how assessment could be helpful, let me give you some examples of what I can support with:
Social communication and reciprocity, e.g., communication style preferences during group socialising, friendship preferences, Double Empathy Problem,
​Executive Functioning, e.g., organisation, planning, inertia, task paralysis, memory,
Emotional Regulation and Processing, e.g., interoception awareness, burnout, energy accounting, language for emotions and behaviour, including alexithymia,
Self-Identity work, e.g., understanding own autistic identity and experiences, intersectional identities and neurodivergence
​Mental Health and Wellbeing, e.g., masking,
Self-Advocacy, e.g., within the workplace, school, college, University.
Understanding Sensory Preferences and Differences, e.g., touch processing, awareness of where body is in space and tolerance to sounds, like misophonia,
Language Processing and Preferences, e.g., Gestalt Language Processing, scripting, logomisia,
Expressive Communication Preferences, e.g., mouth-produced language and use of AAC.
It is important that you pick the right professionals to work with and therefore, that you take some time to understand how I work. You can find out more about me, my qualifications, approach, mission and values by clicking here.
I have included Sonny Jane Wise' Neurodiversity Affirming Practice Core Principles infographic because it sums up the commitments and standards I work to.
​​Assessment is generally fairly dynamic and can explore the following:
Communication preferences and support needs, including the influence of disabling environments,
Executive functioning preferences and support needs, including the influence of disabling environments,
Environmental influences on communication and executive functioning preferences/support needs, such as school, college, work and social environments,
Sensory sensitivities and emotional regulation that may impact communication and executive functioning,
Strategies for self-advocacy and tools to enhance autonomy and participation in daily life.
I want you to know that it is not necessary for a client to have a neurodivergence formal diagnosis for us to work together, for example, Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Bipolar, etc. I work with people who are neurodiversity-curious, self-identifying and self-discovered. I recognise that accessing an assessment for a diagnosis requires privilege and often people wait years (which I have empathy for having awaited assessment for 5+ years myself).​​
​​It's important that assessment supports an individual, family or couples communication, sensory, social and executive functioning support needs, and as such, I'm happy to work creatively to complete assessment.
Whilst not exhaustive, some of the ways we can flex and adapt assessment include:
Video calls with cameras off,
Video calls using closed captions to aid auditory processing,
Utilising asynchronous communication methods, which delay the responses given and sharing of information between myself and the individual, such as, email communication, post it notes,
The individual bringing a trusted person, pet or toy to their assessment,
Supporting reasonable adjustments within the assessment sessions, such as, the use of Loop noise cancelling earplugs and other sensory fidgets,
Walking-based assessments to maximise the benefits of being outdoors and engaging with active proprioception for regulation support,
Use of my therapy dog, Callie during assessment sessions (upon agreement with the individual and clear understanding of her needs as well as the individual's),
Spacing out assessment sessions, or the stages of an assessment (information gathering, assessing strengths and support needs, receiving feedback on assessment outcomes, and thinking ahead to goal setting or making decisions about any therapy session work).
Helpful information:
​​Assessments can take place on weekdays, usually Fridays, evenings or over the weekend.
It can be facilitated through online or in person sessions (in person for people living within 2 hours of EX17, unless otherwise agreed).
Once we decide to work together, I will send you my terms and conditions, consent forms and any other documentation that is required pre-assessment.​
Assessment costs start from £300. I'm happy to discuss payment plans and reduced fees, if proof of hardship is provided. Please do not be disheartened if you are in financial hardship.

Meet Callie​
Callie is a registered therapy dog with Canine Concern. She is 5.5 years old, loves to chase a ball, roll in the sand, and paddle in the water.
Whilst a very gentle, kind and friendly soul, she isn't too keen on noisy people, or when people tower over her excitedly to greet her.